Join IRPP lead data analyst Ricardo Chejfec for an insightful webinar exploring the Institute’s recently launched Community Transformations Project, a groundbreaking research initiative addressing the challenges and opportunities for Canadian communities susceptible to economic disruption resulting from global efforts to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.
During this session, Ricardo will:
This webinar is perfect for policymakers, community leaders, economic development experts and anyone interested in how Canada can navigate the workforce challenges brought about by the transition to a low-carbon economy.
The presentation will be given in English. Questions in French are welcome and a recording and transcripts in both languages will be available after the event.
The Community Transformations Project is an initiative of the Institute for Research on Public Policy, in collaboration with the Canadian Community Economic Development Network’s Community Data Program, The Energy Mix and several experts. This project was made possible in part thanks to support from Vancity, the McConnell Foundation, and the Max Bell Foundation. Research independence is one of the IRPP’s core values, and the IRPP maintains editorial control over all publications.
The Centre of Excellence on the Canadian Federation is a permanent research body within the Institute for Research on Public Policy. Its mission is to build a deeper understanding of Canada as a federal community.
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